A little reminder on my desk

Life can get so busy, can’t it? We rush around, meet deadlines, care for our families, and drop back into bed again at the end of a satisfying day. And I truly believe that life should be lived, but I think it is also good to be reminded from time to time about the Big Picture.

Sometimes, the little pressures of life can feel absolutely huge, bad news seems to be everywhere, fear abounds in news stories and social media, and it can get utterly overwhelming for a sensitive writer who feels deeply. And when that happens, as a Christian, I find it very helpful to be reminded of Heaven. The picture is so much bigger than we can see right now!

I got myself this galaxy in a glass ball to remind me of that. Sometimes people use Memento Mori items like a skull, for example, but I find that rather depressing, and my family put down a collective foot and refused to have a skull sitting around our home in any capacity. So I use this–and I’m glad I settled upon this reminder instead of others.

Every time I look at it, I’m not reminded of death so much as I’m reminded of Heaven, and I take a deep breath and remember how big the picture really is! And I’m comforted.

I hope that you can find reminders of the big picture in your life, too!

Happy reading!

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